I stopped by Sisters in Crime Hawaii to chat with Gail about The Musubi Murder, which was released today on Audible.com.
Today’s Sisters in Crime/Hawaii guest, Frankie Bow,
is a Big Island resident and the author of
now available at Audible.com!
Sisters in Crime: The narrator and main character of The Musubi Murder is Molly Barda, an unmarried college professor. Is “the job” the most important part of her life?
Frankie Bow: Molly herself would say yes, although in The Musubi Murder life throws her a few distractions (the most distracting of which is probably the handsome local entrepreneur Donnie Gonsalves). Molly takes great pride in her teaching. She wants to give her students—many of whom have never been off the island—a real college education. This seemingly admirable goal puts her at odds with her bottom-line-focused dean (‘having standards is fine, but don’t make a fetish out of it!’) and with the powerful Student Retention Office.
Molly is not interested in making an easy life for herself, as her next-door colleague Rodge Cowper has done. “Dr. Rodge” hasn’t published a word since he got tenure. He gives no midterms or finals, assigns no homework, and spends most of his class time showing entertaining videos. Every year, the Student Retention Office nominates Dr. Rodge for the campuswide teaching award.
Read more at Sisters in Crime Hawaii
Frankie Bow’s first novel, THE MUSUBI MURDER , is available at Audible.com, Amazon.com, andiTunes.
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