Vampire Billionaire of the Bayou #SampleSunday

Mary-Alice preferred small-town papers to the big-city ones. The local papers featured good news, like high school valedictorians and award-winning pumpkins. The big newspapers showcased all the worst explosions, fires, famines, and murders from all over the world. Mary-Alice didn’t think human beings were intended to take on all the world’s misery at once. One town’s problems were surely enough.

The No-Tell Motel #SampleSunday

Mary-Alice preferred small-town papers to the big-city ones. The local papers featured good news, like high school valedictorians and award-winning pumpkins. The big newspapers showcased all the worst explosions, fires, famines, and murders from all over the world. Mary-Alice didn’t think human beings were intended to take on all the world’s misery at once. One town’s problems were surely enough.

The Miss Fortune Novellas are now available in all formats, all countries!

The Miss Fortune mysteries are novellas written under license in Jana DeLeon's Miss Fortune World. If you want to get acquainted with the characters, the first book in the Miss Fortune series is Louisiana Longshot, available for free on Amazon, Kobo, Apple, Google, and B&N. Supernatural Sinful A graduate student from Hawaii visits the tiny …

New on Kindle Worlds: Swamp Team Three goes to a New Orleans romance convention

How did the members of Swamp Team Three end up at a romance writers' convention in New Orleans?Gertie wants to advance her budding career as a romance author;  Fortune needs a break from her complicated personal life; and Ida Belle doesn't think the other two should go out unsupervised. But when Ida Belle runs into someone from …