Continue reading "Plum Tea Crazy: A new Tea Shop Mystery by NYT Bestselling Author Laura Childs"
Theodosia Browning investigates a Charleston steeped in tradition and treachery in the latest Tea Shop Mystery from New York Times bestselling author Laura Childs. While viewing the harbor’s Gaslights and Galleons Parade from the widow’s walk of Timothy Neville’s Charleston mansion, local banker Carson Lanier seemingly tumbles over a narrow railing, then plunges three stories …
10 Jobs That Make People Most Happy…and Most Miserable
New research published by The Cabinet Office in the UK has revealed that being a member of the clergy is associated with the highest levels of life satisfaction.
Here are the top 10 occupations:
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Well, I'm doomed: Extroverted optimists live longest.
Who lives the longest? 1. Introverts versus extroverts Outgoing, sociable people have the strongest immune systems, a recent study finds. Those who are the most careful, though, are more likely to have a weaker immune system response. The research found no evidence, though, that a tendency towards negative emotions was associated with poor health. 2. …
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Can a ketchup-and-mustard color scheme help you study?
From Psyblog: Brightly coloured rooms can boost your concentration, new research finds. This is the exact opposite of what most people expect, according to the same research. Two-thirds of people believe that a bright red room was linked to discomfort, depression and annoyance. When psychologists tested it, though, they found that vivid reds and …
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The Secret to Better Learning That Most People Don’t Know: Interleaving
Mixing up your learning can lead to massive gains, a new study of academic performance reveals. For years now ‘interleaving’ has been a secret largely confined to researchers. Interleaving means practising or learning different skills in quick succession. When interleaving, tennis players might practice forehands, backhands and volleys altogether. Interleaving for musicians could mean practising …
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Improve your writing by typing with one hand
Forcing yourself to type slower could improve the quality of your writing, a new study finds. Participants in the study who typed with only one hand produced higher quality essays, researchers found. Mr Srdan Medimorec, the study’s lead author, said: “Typing can be too fluent or too fast, and can actually impair the writing process. …
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How to tell if someone is lying
It may be easier to tell if someone is lying when you cannot see their face, new research finds. Contrary to most people’s expectations, being able to see someone’s full face does not help lie detection. In fact, it actually hurts it. Dr Amy-May Leach, the study’s first author, explained that the reason may be because …
Which Professions Have The Most Psychopaths?
According to a survey conducted by psychologist Kevin Dutton—called the Great British Psychopath Survey—here are the top 10 professions with the most psychopaths: CEO Lawyer Media (TV/Radio) Salesperson Surgeon Journalist Police Officer Clergyperson Chef Civil Servant And here are the professions with the least psychopaths: Care Aide Nurse Therapist Craftsperson Beautician/Stylist Charity Worker Teacher Creative …
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Reading Fiction Increases Empathy
All sorts of narratives, including literary fiction, TV shows and even certain video games could help boost our fellow-feeling.That is the conclusion of a new review by Professor Keith Oatley, a cognitive psychologist and novelist. Literary fiction, in particular, which simulates the social world, may help to boost our empathy with others. One study gave people a …
How To Read Personality From Online Profile Pictures
Social media profile pictures can reveal clues about personality, according to new research. Thousands of Twitter user’s pictures were included in the study, along with an analysis of their personality. Here is how to spot each of the five aspects of personality: 1. Conscientiousness More conscientious people used pictures that were more natural, colourful and …
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